Monthly Round-Up: Rose & Thorns – October 2020

Rose – I’m officially a homeowner! I just unpacked my last box yesterday. It’s really starting to feel like it’s mine. Now, I have an ever-growing list of things I need to purchase over the next few months to make this place feel like a home; like a couch, new mattress, pots and pans, plates, etc. These things will take time to decide, research, and possibly thrift these items on my wish list. Don’t worry, there will be room makeovers for each room in future posts. I’m so so thankful for the amount of congratulatory comments I have received during this milestone in my life. It’s really been an outpouring of love and I can’t thank you guys enough.

Thorn – October is my favorite month and the cherry on top is Halloween. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to participate in any fall or Halloween activities this month. At the very least I try to make a point to walk through a pumpkin patch. But it wasn’t in the cards this year. As I was moving I was able to organize my Halloween decoration storage box, in hopes that next year I will be able to display my felt spider and light-up pumpkins. 

Last years Halloween décor (2019)

Rose – Voting. As promised my littlest sister and I voted early. Now that she’s a seasoned voter, my sister didn’t fight me as hard to go to the polls this time around. She wasn’t given much of a choice, I wasn’t going to allow her to procrastinate to vote on Tuesday. Thankfully, the line to vote wasn’t long at all. We were in and out in under 15 minutes.

Remember November 3rd is the last day to vote (not the only day)! If this is you’re first time voting and are unsure where to go; information can be found HERE

4 thoughts on “Monthly Round-Up: Rose & Thorns – October 2020

  1. jerrymennenga – A resident in an area known as Siouxland, which encompasses three states that includes western Iowa, northeastern Nebraska and southeastern South Dakota. A quiet region where in the smaller towns people know their neighbors and everyone else in town. And where neighbors still help neighbors. Formerly a staff photographer I worked for a number of newspapers over the years. These days I like traveling the backroads and seeing what is over the next horizon and sharing those places and people I meet.
    jerrymennenga says:

    Congrats on your new home. The possibilities are endless. Enjoy. jerry

  2. Markus + Micah – We are Markus + Micah. We live in a tiny house by the sea, grow our plants, cook plant-based food, travel, and design wellness retreats and mindful programs so we can all live meaningful lives.
    Markus + Micah says:

    Congratulations with your new home. You look lovely on that photo with the keys. Good luck with all the work that comes with it! The black pumpkins were also nice. If they were mine, I think I would just leave them there!

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