DIY: Plant Propagation Station

Earth day is this week! Adding greenery to your home brings color and brightness into any empty space. When I first moved into my home, I knew I wanted plants everywhere. As time has gone on (and many dead plants later), I’ve learned plants are expensive to replace. I’m slowly finding low maintenance plants that do not require a lot of attention are the ones that can survive life with me. I created this easy plant propagation station to grow new plants from those I already own.

As of late, I’ve been making my plants do double duty by creating a propagation station to build up my plant collection. I started with the easiest plant to start propagating; a pothos. These plants like little light, even less attention, and thrive in soil or water. 

Supplies Needed

Leather Cord or Steel Jack Chain, Glass Bottles1 inch Wooden Dowel, Cup Hooks, Pothos Plant, Drill, Scissors


I started by taping down the wooden dowel to my work surface. This kept the dowel from rolling while I measured the length and marked where I wanted to attach the cup hooks. My dowel was three feet long. Measuring from each end, I marked the place were I wanted to place the cup hooks. I marked this spot six inches from the end with a pencil. 

If you don’t have a drill, the cup hooks technically don’t need a pilot hole to attach them to the dowel; however, you will need strong fingers and determination if you choose this path. If you have a drill, choose a drill bit smaller than the cup hook screw and drill halfway through the dowel where you made the pencil mark. Attach the cup hooks and make sure the hooks feel secure and are facing the same way. 


For the glass jars, I measured 18 inches of leather cord and attached it to the metal closure on the top of each jar using a simple square knot. If your jars do not have this metal closure, wrap the leather cord around the neck of the bottle. If the glass jar is without an edge, adding hot glue around the neck of the bottle may also help the leather cord from slipping off of the glass. 

Lastly, I measured the distance between the cup hooks, divided by three, marked the three spots, and attached the other end of the leather cord to the wooden dowel. I hung the propagation station to make sure everything was balanced before filling the jars with water. I filled each jar with room temperature water and placed my pothos clippings in the glass bottles. 


Growing Plants Takes Time

Don’t get discouraged if the roots don’t grow immediately. It took two months for my clippings to start growing. Since I made this plant propagation station, I emptied half of the water from the bottles and replaced it with fresh water twice, and moved its location to an area with more natural light. These two changes seemed to help encourage the roots to start growing. 

Plant Propagation Station DIY

The great thing about this project is you can make it as big or as small as needed for your space. If counter space isn’t at a premium in your home, the hanging aspect of this project can be cut out altogether. Just add water to a jar and water your pothos clippings grow. If you are looking for more stylish options I’ve linked some below.

2023 Update

As this was one of my first home DIYs, I want to give a quick update to some improvements I’ve made on the Plant Propagation Station. Over time the leather started to dry rot from sun exposure. I have since replaced the leather cord with Steel Jack Chain. I also stained the wooden dowel in my favorite wood stain color – Early American. This not only looks 10x better, but it also adds extra protection from the elements.

Propagation Station Updated with better chain and thriving plants.
Propagation Station updated with better chain and thriving plants.

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